Posted by Dave on 08/02/05 02:14
On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 23:32:29 -0400, Bruce A. Julseth decided we needed to
> Okay. I'll try to grant with *.*. I'll also experiment with "Use"ing
> different databases before root issues the grant. Thanks.
hopefully that does the trick
> Question: What are "privs "? I don't understand your statement "As an aside
> your privs are very broad here - I guess for test it doesn't matter, but
> careful when you move to production." I'd appreciate if you could expand on
> your comment. Thanks..
> Bruce
privs = privileges.
You are doing a grant all which grants every single privilege to
the user - plus you add the grant option which allows the user to
give those privs to other users.
Its (generally speaking) a bad practice to do this particularly
if the database is available directly over a network.
A better way is to grant to the user only those privs required
to perform the required task e.g. a user may only need to do
select and update (not delete, insert etc) so granting just those
two minimises risk should the worst happen and a malicious person
gets hold of the user/pass.
Dave <dave@REMOVEbundook.com>
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