Posted by dorayme on 01/20/08 21:13
In article <13p5ksubd2eel27@corp.supernews.com>,
Jeff <jeff@spam_me_not.com> wrote:
> Andrew H wrote:
> > On Jan 18, 4:04 pm, dorayme <doraymeRidT...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> >> Here is a suggestion for a look:
> >>
> >> <http://netweaver.com.au/alt/andrewHodson.html>
> I looked at this first in IE6 windows and noticed that image dropped
> below the content border (the bottom border intersects the bottom
> quarter of the image).
> In Firefox 2.0 the box expanded to include the image.
> I notice that the box is set for overflow: hidden, which struck me as
> a bit odd.
> Just another bit for your box model collection.
Thanks Jeff, actually this due to over simplification on my part.
I was not providing details for IE.
You will notice how the main container is not given a width
(which would have triggered that parental recognition of floated
children all on its own in IE6 without need for overflow
instruction - you may recall we discussed this a while back).
Here I have given a max-width instead - for a real purpose.
You are right, there is now a need to pander to IE6 and possibly
In regard to the container growing height, the simplest is to
make do with a clearing div.
And there would need to be attention to the footer I imagine
where margin: auto for left and right and a width will not do for
IE6 - I guess widthing the footer as a guess, text-aligning it
centre, etc.
There are many ways to provide for IE, including a special css
set of instruction for its eyes only. I will come back to this
later when I have time.
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