Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/21/08 23:20
The Natural Philosopher wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Jonas Werres wrote:
>>>> Nothing at all to do with PHP.
>>> I think you did not understand what I wrote.
>>> The OP asked if one can spoof the IP address while requesting a
>>> document.
>>> Jerry says (correctly) that it would not be possible to get the
>>> answer. That might imply that is IS possible to make a request, but
>>> the answer goes nowhere. That would be enough if the purpose of the
>>> request was e.g. to delete a database by SQL injection. The answer is
>>> unimportant.
>>> What I said was that I think it is not even possible to make a
>>> request (regardless where the answer would go), because that would
>>> require a connection which cannot be established with a spoofed IP.
>> Actually, you probably could send out a request from a faked IP
>> address with the correct hacker tools. But it would have to be short
>> (everything would have to fit in 7 packets). But it would depend on
>> an ISP which would accept the spoofed IP address. Correctly
>> configured, they shouldn't. But we also know how *everyone* has
>> *everything* correctly configured, don't we :-)
> You would not need to keep it in 7 packets, merely to send in a TCP
> window - pretty large these days, BUT you would also need to cut in on
> an existing ESTABLISHED session.
> If we are talking HTTP, there is no such thing really. Every call to a
> URL is a` NEW TCP session. Every request is a new session, which is
> closed once the data has been dleivred and an ACK recived from the far end.
> So whilst the TCP session is stateful, the HTTP is not.
> In essence a URL call, be it a form full of data or whatever goes
> like this
> 1/. browserIP:random_port->server:80 OPEN TCP SESSION
> 2/. Server:80-->browserIP:random_port ACK + TCP +SESSION STUFF
> 4/. Server:80-->browserIP ACK CLOSE SESSION.
Ah, but your first step is incorrect.
The standard tools open a session. But that's at the application layer.
From the TCP/IP end, there is no need to do so. With the correct
hacker tools, it is quite possible to send packets to the server without
anything. There is nothing in the TCP/IP protocol which disallows it,
and the packets will be quite happily sent to the server.
> To hijack that session you need to jump in at point 3/. and replace the
> packet with your own. You need to know all about the TCP session as well
> as the senders IP address AND current sender port number, or the packet
> will be discarded as not part of any TCP session the server knows about.
No, because your point 1 is incorrect.
> OR you need to set up your own session. To do that needs bidirectional
> communication with the server.
No session needed. In fact, as far as TCP/IP goes, there is no such
thing as a session.
> People claim that firewalls that only allow connection from a given IP
> address are not secure (enough). That IP addresses can be spoofed. So
> they can, but I have never heard of it being done in practice in the
> real world, other than in a particular artificial environment. Certainly
> NOT by Andy Hacker masturbating in his bedroom with a copy of Linux for
> Geeks on the floor.
Yes, unfortunately, it has been done in real world. But the effects are
rather limited. One of the things it was used for before bot nets was
DDOS attacks on a server.
> You need very high level access to core routers to be able to *see* the
> traffic session flow and enough ability to reconfigure core internet
> routers to do that. AND the sort of kit that can keep UP with the
> traffic flow on a router like that is basically NSA level kit.
Not at all. Any server along the route can monitor all traffic going
through its servers. But because different packets can take different
routes, the most effective monitoring is at either end of the
connection. In the middle there's much less chance you will get all of
the packets.
> I.e. your government can probably do it, Possibly the top techie at an
> ISP, given some fancy kit, but not anyone else.
It doesn't take that much of a techie to do it, unfortunately.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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