Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 01/23/08 22:45
Travis Newbury wrote:
> On Jan 23, 12:57 pm, "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4...@centralva.net>
> wrote:
>> I will give an example of the problem of fixed width design and the web
>> as a non-canvas dimension specific media. How may of you had the
>> "pleasure" of finding so information on the web and wished to have a
>> hard copy of it. But because the "designer" designed for a preconceived
>> canvas dimensions, you print out the page only to find you are missing
>> the entire right-hand strip of the content!
> I have, all the time on msdn
>> Okay so you...
> We could continue to create scenarios all day long... What if this,
> what if that...
> This kind of brings up the point I have been trying to make. Nothing
> you put out there will ever please 100% of the sites visitors.
> NOTHING, not fixed width not flexible, not Flash, not "fill in the
> blank here". You will never achieve a website that every single
> person that goes to that site says "Damn, this site is perfect in
> every way!"
Not what I am saying. What I am saying is if you approach the design
embracing the main attribute of the web: "that it is fluid and you never
no what your canvas dimensions will be", that your design will be more
suitable to the medium. Just because so many designs out there deny this
basic attibute of the web does not validate the fixed, ridged designs.
And as access to the web continues to expand to more and more types
devices this principle will be paramount.
Take care,
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