Posted by Rik Wasmus on 01/23/08 21:05
On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 21:48:24 +0100, bob <lunet3@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am having trouble getting the PHP PECL fileinfo component to work. I=
> am using Cakephp 1.2, XAMPP in WIndows Vista environment.
> I have the following code:
> $file =3D "C:\xampp\htdocs\app\webroot\pics\file.jpg";
> $handle =3D finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME,'c:/magic');
> if (!$handle) {
> echo "Opening fileinfo database failed";
> }
> $mime_type =3D finfo_file($handle,$file);
> I get the following output:
> Opening fileinfo database failed
> Warning (2): finfo_file(): supplied argument is not a valid file_info
> resource [APP\controllers\users_controller.php, line 198]
> I put the magic.mime file in the C:\ directory. I also added the
> extension=3Dphp_fileinfo.dll line in the php.ini file.
Don't open a new thread. You were given some pointers in your last one. =
Did they work (I don't see them in your code)? If not: any other errors =
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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