Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/28/04 12:01
J.O. Aho wrote:
> Defacta wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to make a script in which there would be some google ads.
>> The problem is if the PHP code source is available people will be able
>> to delete the google ads part of the script...
>> How can I make the code be illegible without using Ioncube or Zend, my
>> goal is to make this script work everywhere not with a specific
>> configuration...
> You could rot13() the file, and then rot13() back it and run an eval(),
> no matter how you do it without a module like the one from zend, it will
> be easy to see how you "encrypt" the php code and it will be easy to
> remove that part and then easy to remove your google ads.
Additionally, google probably won't like you forcing their ads on other
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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