Posted by owo.dod on 10/01/61 12:01
On Jan 28, 2:55 pm, dorayme <doraymeRidT...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> In article <Xns9A3379307EB83nanopandaneredboj...@>,
> Neredbojias <monstersquas...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > GMT dorayme scribed:
> > >> > A cup could be designed without a bottom.
> > >> Uh, no it can't. If whatever it is has no bottom, it is NOT a cup.
> > > You have decided this? You can make words mean what you want?
> > > If something has every characteristic of a cup except a bottom,
> > > it does not suddenly and magically become not a cup at all.
> > Right. It was never a cup to begin with.
> > > It is a cup without a bottom.
> > Nope.
> [... 1000 gibbering repeat "Nope"s snipped ...]
> Ah Boji, you very significantly don't say what a bottomless cup
> is. Most of us would have no trouble, it is *a bottomless cup*.
> But all you can say is "Nope". I do understand your predicament.
> Having eschewed a perfectly natural form of words, you are at a
> loss to describe such a cup.
> I have thought of another use for a cup that has a (small) hole
> in it. And am thinking to actually drill such a hole in existing
> cups to make them functionally better. In Australia, if you
> forget to drink some or all of your cup of tea or coffee, you
> stand a good chance of a cockroach drowning and making for an
> ugly sight in the morning. With a small hole, the liquid drains
> away slowly and lessens the chances of this.
> True, when one is actually drinking with it, there would be a
> slight dripping on ones clothes. But in the bush*, this would not
> matter much. City refined types would need a small plug perhaps,
> this could be engineered or designed (hell, I am clean confused
> about which you want to use of these two terms now) into it.
> Please think about cups more, Boji. Are you absolutely and
> utterly sure you don't want some little pics of cups from me?
> * Where is Farmer Joe? He is not around these ngs any more. I
> hope he has not had an accident with his tractor.
> --
> dorayme
Are your services free or just cheap. Oh well you probably stink like
your posts do.
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