Posted by Steve on 09/28/69 12:01
"Animesh K" <animesh1978@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Steve wrote:
>> all hits indicate are the 'path most travelled'. as more than half the
>> internet users can't tell their ass from a hat, i think taking the
>> 'lowest views/responses' would be a clear indication that i'm on the
>> *right* path.
>> :)
> By that logic, you must be visiting sites which are least popular. bye bye
> Nytimes, google, microsoft.com, yahoo, amazon, youtube, digg, facebook,
> etc.
uhm, the new york times is never worth reading, google, yahoo, and digg are
not end-point but entry points - matches are by relevance. microsoft is by
relevance, youtube is by download not by visit, and i've no idea what
facebook is...so, it must not be too important.
now of any of those, where does an ordinary counter mechanism fall into the
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