Posted by Nico Schuyt on 09/30/86 12:02
Chaddy2222 wrote:
> Nico Schuyt
>> Chaddy2222 wrote:
>>> Nico Schuyt"
>>>> Bazley wrote:
>>>>> CSS is unbelievably unwieldy. All I want to do is have a page with
>>>>> three columns. The left and right columns should be fixed width
>>>>> and the central column should adjust its width to fill in the
>>>>> remaining space. Such a simple concept is, I believe, virtually
>>>>> impossible to code. If anyone can do it I would be very impressed.
>>>> I don't understand it: there are lots of examples with three
>>>> columns. Problems arise when you want equal heights of the columns
>>>> or borders in between*.
>>>> In that case there is a relation between the 3 columns and a table
>>>> is appropriate.
>>>> * for example the site of
>>>> A-OK
>>>> looks great, but when
>>>> font-size is enlarged the border between column 1 and 2 is broken.
>>> That all depends on how the site is coded.
>> Do you suggest to use px to prevent the text being enlarged (in IE)??
> Nah I suggest to use em or % units (to make the text and other
> features re-sizeable.
But that's just what makes the div-solution fail :-)
> BTW if you want equal hights for a three colum layout you will
> probably need to eather use tables or div's with fixxed sizes in PX.
Or Javascript
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