Posted by NC on 01/30/08 00:48
On Jan 28, 1:37 pm, Martin <martinval...@comcast.net> wrote:
> I'm trying to adapt a PHP script that was written to use MySQL,
> so that it will work with an MSAccess MDB file.
Good luck...
> An important part of the script makes use of the SQL "LIMIT"
> keyword available in MySQL. eg: "SELECT MyField FROM MyTable
> LIMIT 40,10" to select 10 records beginning at the 41st record.
> Can anyone tell me how I can achieve this same functionality
> when using ODBC functions to access an MDB file?
You can't. Access does not support LIMIT clauses.
The closet thing you can do is to run this query:
SELECT TOP 50 MyField FROM MyTable
and then loop through first 40 records returned without doing
anything and start your processing from the 41st record.
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