Posted by Analizer1 on 01/31/08 17:00
Hi all.....Im ok with sql but by no means a guru
i have like 100,000 rows of lineitems
invoiceid, lineitemId, squencenum
9999999 11111111 1
9999999 11111181 2
9999999 11111182 3
the Data consistes of Many Invoices and the Lineitem id
is a Unique Id (Most are consequtive but not a Guarantee) and SequenceNum
is 1,2,3, etc of the line items on the invoice
In my Case i have say 100,000 rows , different Invoice numbers with
different number of lineitems
All the LineItems are out of Sync.....
So I need to Update them in the order 1,2,3 etc for there prospective
Invoice number
Help with a Update Scripts would be helpful
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