Posted by Phil Kempster on 01/31/08 21:52
Blinky the Shark wrote:
> Harlan Messinger wrote:
>> rf wrote:
>>> "moonhk" <> wrote in message
>>>> Hi Reader
>>>> Do you know how to using html to launch defined directory
>>>> browser(Window My Computer)
>>>> e.g. When click the link (c:\temp) , launch the browser with "c:\temp"
>>> <a href="file://c:/temp">open</a> with certain security restrictions
>>> but, why? What does this do for your viewer?
>> It's kind of like wanting to have buttons on your TV that allow you to
>> operate your remote control.
> That would be handy when you can't find the remote. ;)
I tried to get a dial tone on my remote the other day ;-{
Phil Kempster
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