Posted by Mark on 02/01/08 05:32
On Jan 31, 9:07 pm, Mark <mnbaya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've managed to extract the url of a favicon on the web, but now I
> need to extract the image data to produce something like
> ...
> I can read the binary data just fine using file_get_contents() but
> that's not what I need... does anyone know how to extract the data of
> an image like that? I can't even seem to get the mime type, and
> reading the file contents as text doesn't produce a string like that
> either... it's all just weird characters. I want to pass that data
> into <object data="here" />.
I guess it should have been obvious that it was encoded in base64
(just figured that out). But still, how can I get the mime type?
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