Posted by Bill McCormick on 08/05/05 04:56
Jedi Fans wrote:
> Jedi Fans wrote:
>> bill wrote:
>>>> http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?profile=css2&warning=2&uri=http%3A//ace-co.ath.cx/products/
>>> Ok. Thanks.
>>> I put in my missing semi-colons and added units to my border/margin
>>> specs. Still same problem.
>> get the web developer toolbar for firefox, many many things can be
>> learnt about a page through it...
>> <URL:http://chrispederick.com/work/firefox/webdeveloper/>
>> im not quite sure i get the problem you are talking about btw
> nvm problem solved:
> DIV.lclearer {
> clear: both;
> line-height: 0;
> height: 0;
> }
> DIV.rclearer {
> line-height: 3;
> height: 3;
> }
> = not the same
At one point they were the same but that was no better. Before that, I
had tried a single DIV.clearer, but it looked like in Firefox, the
clear: both was not only sending the text clear of the float-ing image,
but clear of the DIV to the right as well. So I tried a seperate
DIV.clearer for left and right, and it seemed to get me somewhere
closer, but then I had to leave for the day.
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