Posted by Justin Koivisto on 08/05/05 16:25
Jean Pion wrote:
> Is there somewhere, maybe $_SESSION vars?, where my PHP knows that
> JavaScript is enabled on the clients webbrowser.
> I uses some JavaScript but would like to add workaround in case the browser
> doesn't. Suggestions would be appreceated.
After reading the subject, I actually thought this was going to be about
server side javascript... (Which does exist to you nay-sayers.)
One quick solution that I have done before for detecting javascript on a
client is in the document have something like:
if(!isset($_GET['js']) && !isset($_SESSION['js'])){
$js=<<< eos
<script type="text/javascript">
<title>Javascript test</title>
<?php echo $js ?>
Javascript has <?php if(!empty($js)){ echo '<b>not</b>'; } ?> been
detected on the client.
Of course, if the REQUEST_URI already contains a query string, you'd
want to append the js var instead of how I have it above, but it
illustrates the method anyway.
Justin Koivisto, ZCE - justin@koivi.com
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