Posted by Veikko Mδkinen on 08/05/05 14:18
Stefan Rybacki wrote:
> John wrote:
>> I am fairly new to php but I think I must be completely missing the
>> poiny here (or going mad)
>> I would have expected this to match, am I right?
>> if (eregi("a89", "a.[0-9]" ))
>> {echo "<br>match";}
>> else {echo "<br>no match";}
> Read the manual. The first parameter of eregi is the search pattern and
> the second the string to match.
> if (eregi("a.[0-9]", "a89" ))
Note that this also matches "ab0" but not "a9".
If you want pattern " one 'a' followed by two digits" you need to use
"a\d{2}" or "a[0-9]{2}".
mail@ .com
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