Posted by Marco Tabini on 10/04/71 11:23
On 8/7/05 4:24 PM, "Jasper Bryant-Greene" <jasper@bryant-greene.name> wrote:
> Or if it's PHP 5 they might be using an __autoload() magic function
> which gets called whenever a class that isn't declared is instantiated.
> That function could be require()ing another file.
Well, if it is PHP 5, then you can use introspection to find out where that
class is declared:
$className = get_class ($CFG);
$cls = new ReflectionClass ($className);
Echo "Class " . $className . " is defined in " .
$cls->getFileName() . " between lines " . $cls->getStartLine() . " and " .
> Jasper
> Chris wrote:
>> That isn't created by PHP, it must be declared in the code somewhere.
>> Maybe there is an auto_prepend_file set?
>> http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.auto-prepend-file
>> Chris
>> wayne wrote:
>>> First, I'm new to PHP. I have a script that
>>> has a piece of code that looks like this -
>>> require_once($CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/mylib.php');
>>> My question is this, I'm trying to find out
>>> how the class $CGF was initiated.There are no
>>> include or require statement before the statement.
>>> Is $CFG a global variable? If how does it get
>>> initiated?
>>> Tnaks.
Marco Tabini
President & CEO
Marco Tabini & Associates, Inc.
28 Bombay Ave.
Toronto, ON M3H 1B7
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