Posted by Richard Davey on 10/04/50 11:23
Hello RPG,
Monday, August 8, 2005, 6:05:47 PM, you wrote:
RG> I use the error handler function found at
RG> http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.errorfunc.php . Whenever a fatal
RG> error has occurred, it does not log the error. I tried adding
RG> and so that whenever they occur, it will log itself to a log file.
Where did you add the error level flags? and have you enabled the
error log entry in the php.ini? It should look like this:
error_reporting = E_ALL|E_NOTICE|E_CORE_ERROR
log_errors = On
error_log = "D:/php4_error_log.txt" (or where-ever)
Stick display errors on for your dev machine too if you want:
display_errors = On
display_startup_errors = On
RG> Another question related to that is how do I log a timeout error
RG> for the fopen() function? When fopen() times out, it produces a
RG> fatal error and fatal error is not being logged.
Fix the above :)
Best regards,
Richard Davey
http://www.launchcode.co.uk - PHP Development Services
Zend Certified Engineer
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