Posted by Missing Person on 10/27/16 11:23
On 6 Aug 2005 05:41:09 GMT "FrankB" <you.can@request.net> wrote in Message
id: <mn.31d57d585e809717.32168@request.net>:
>on 5/08/2005, PJR supposed :
>> On Friday 05 August 2005, Spanky The Thunder Chicken wrote in
>> alt.usenet.kooks:
>>> In article <cqd5f1l9hg975qghcrk4i46ui7nli9gp1f@4ax.com>,
>>> Onideus Mad Hatter <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
>>>> Hatter Blog, yo! Version 1.0!
>>>> http://www.backwater-productions.net/hatter-blog/
>>>> [snip]
>> A script on this page is causing KHTML to freeze. If it
>> continues to run, other applications may become less
>> responsive.
>> Do you want to abort the script?
>> [YES]
>Same here, both Netscape and IE 'hang' while loading that page.
Ditto with Firefox 1.06. Locks up tighter than Diaper Boy's sphincter when
all his soiled nappies are in the laundry.
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