Posted by boots on 08/10/05 20:05
As far as I know, this is not possible -- you have to either manually
load and register the plugin as non-caching OR get autoload
behaviour... but not both.
--- Ivo Jansch <ivo@ibuildings.nl> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> Suppose I've created a plugin named {plugin}. I don't register it,
> it's
> put in one of my registered plugin dirs, so whenever used, Smarty
> will
> automatically find it and include it when needed.
> So far so good.
> Now, I want this plugin to be never cached. So, per the docs on
> http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/caching.cacheable.php, I've added a
> register_function called for my plugin, with cacheable set to false.
> However, now it complains that it cannot find my plugin. In this
> case, I
> have to manually include the plugin file myself. Is there a solution
> to
> this? I want to tell smarty that the plugin is dynamic, but I still
> want
> to have it found and included on the fly only in those templates that
> use it.
> Greetings,
> Ivo
> - --
> Ivo Jansch <ivo@ibuildings.nl>
> ibuildings.nl BV - information technology
> http://www.ibuildings.nl
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