Posted by nightstar on 08/12/05 03:59
I have been working with CSS for some little time now and have a
conversion that needs to be done. We are supposed to convert (to divs)
a table very similar to:
<table width="100%">
<td>Header Left</td>
<td>Header Center</td>
<td>Header Right</td>
<td colspan="3">Section 1</td>
<td colspan="2">Section 2</td>
<td>Section 3</td>
<td>Footer Left</td>
<td>Footer Center</td>
<td>Footer Right</td>
I have been working on this for a couple hours now and seem to be
getting major overlapping on the Y axis. Each row is generated via php
and database and can be a dynamic height (I believe this is where my
issue is). I would appreciate it if someone could whip up a quick css
file. I know widths are very easiy controled so im not concerned with
that. It was recommended by the boss to use as much absolute
positioning as possible but I do not believe it can be done not knowing
the height of each row.
Thank you very much and Im looking forward to some good insight as I
have looked at numerous sites and templates and still have issues.
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