Posted by Bill Karwin on 08/12/05 03:44
emily_g107@hotmail.com wrote:
> How exactly do I add "LIMIT 10, 20" to the html string? I tried some
> different ways and either got error messages (generic) or it had no
> effect.
> I think maybe the &sql_order at the end needs rewritten using LIMIT.
LIMIT must come after ORDER BY in a SQL query.
See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/select.html
But obviously, the PHP code is concatenating the sql_order after the
sql_query in some manner. We don't know what it's doing. We don't even
know from your example what the legal values for sql_order are. Are
they field names by which to sort? We don't know how it interprets the
blank string, as is being passed here.
For instance, it _might_ be concatenating the values of sql_query and
sql_order like this:
$sql = $sql_query
. ($sql_order ? $sql_order : "DefaultField")
So even if you were to pass "DefaultField LIMIT 10,20" for the sql_order
parameter, you'd end up with a syntax error in the resulting SQL,
because "ASCENDING" appears out of place. And this is assuming
sql_order is there to name the field by which to sort. It could have
some totally different meaning within the PHP code.
Bill K.
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