Posted by Leendert Brouwer on 02/17/05 10:20
Hi Marcus,
Marcus Boerger wrote:
> having a function __toString() would interfere with the mapping ideas of
> SimpleXML. However it is there internally so you simply do one of the
> following:
> php -r '$x=SimpleXML_load_string("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><root>blablabla</root>"); echo $x, "\n"; var_dump((string)$x);'
I'm aware of that. But how would something like nodeValue() interfere
with the mapping ideas behind SimpleXML? IMHO, casts are not intuitive
in a development process, especially not when you need them as much as
you would in SimpleXML. Now it just feels like working around a problem
when coding.
> further questions please to general@php.net
as you wish..
> Monday, February 14, 2005, 1:23:44 PM, you wrote:
>>I have a feature request. Maybe it would be a good idea to have a
>>toString() or perhaps nodeValue() method in SimpleXML's SimpleXMLElement
>>class? It might make it more obvious that the element is still a
>>SimpleXMLElement object when you want to actually use it (when you print
>>it, the value automagically casts to a string internally, so users might
>>think that it will be casted to a string when you directly access it
>>without a specified property/method, which is not the case). I know that
>>the docs say that you should cast it to a string when you want to do a
>>comparison, but apart from that just being an example, maybe my
>>suggestion is a more obvious one to notice?
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