Posted by MGFoster on 08/17/05 21:45
EJO wrote:
> Thanks for the connection string info, i'll give it a try.
> But if you don't mind i'd like to hear more about ts running access. I
> went to MS kb and didn't see any articles even generally hinting to a
> problem doing so, with the exception of an unattended system account
> running the db. I also didn't see many ts questions in the ng with the
> exception of connecting accross a wan and similiar. This is the first
> time I've looked for ts with regard to access...
> When the ts users run the db, a copy of the mde is made in the same
> directory as db1.mdb, db2.mdb, db3.mdb, etc. The only problem I have
> had with this is that the copies are not removed when the users close
> or logoff. In the 4 years my workgroup has worked like this, noone has
> reported data loss that a source/cause was not identified.
> Under what circumstances is data loss likely to occur? Though the
> chances of users being in the same record is fair, the back end server
> side locks at the column level seem to work well. Are there other
> issues? Perhaps with code in the database? (I don't have any modules
> other than what is behind the forms themselves.)
> Win 200 Server (running TS), all updates
> Access 2000 from Office SR1, don't remember which updates
> no known jet service pack
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It's common knowledge amongst experienced Access developers that the
same front-end should not be used by many users at one time. If TS is
making a copy of the front-end per user then there shouldn't be a
problem. My suggestion of making a work folder & placing a copy of the
front-end in that folder, essentially, does the same thing as TS is
doing automatically; it just makes a permanent copy that the users
preferences, if any, can be saved in.
BTW, Access can only lock at the row (record) level not the column
MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
Oakland, CA (USA)
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