Posted by Stephen Johnson on 08/17/05 21:32
Why not change the email address to be a valid one and receive through your
On 8/17/05 11:28 AM, "George B" <geoizil@gmail.com> wrote:
> Shaw, Chris - Accenture wrote:
>> <snip>
>> yeah I can send to the SMTP server of my ISP, but no where else.
>> </snip>
>> If you can send to the smtp server then your ISP should deliver the email.
>> If you have not filled in the sendmail_from var in the php.ini correctly,
>> they cannot send back a mail saying there was a problem with the delivery.
>> ************************
>> This message has been delivered to the Internet by the Revenue Internet
>> e-mail service
>> *************************
> Ok guys! It has sent the mail succesfully everywhere! Now one more
> thing. How do I make it so I can receive mail? I am using my ISP's POP
> server but I dosent send back because my e-mail is george@localhost. How
> do I setup my own domain and does it cost money for an e-mail?
Stephen Johnson
The Lone Coder
*Continuing the struggle against bad code*
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