Posted by Roger Thomas on 08/18/05 07:50
OK. I am able to setup remote key authentication between svrA and svrB. From svrA I can login to svrB with something like
[www@svrA www]$ ssh www@svrB
and I can also execute a shell script like
[www@svrA www]$ ssh www@svrB /tmp/
On svrA I have a PHP script like so:
system('ssh www@svrB /tmp/ someDIR');
/tmp/ on svrB is only a one liner like so:
mkdir /tmp/$1
I ran the script from the browser but the /tmp/someDIR is not created :(
Could it be that user nobody on svrA is *not* allowed to connect to svrB because the public key belongs to user www ? How do I rectify this ?
In the actual situation, I need to execute a shell script in svrB (from browser served by Apache on svrA) that only root can run. Please advise. I am getting very worried.
Quoting Matthew Weier O'Phinney <>:
> * Roger Thomas <>:
> > My PHP script is in svrA. How do I run a shell script in svrB?
> > svrB does not have PHP and Apache :(
> > Is this at all possible? Please advise.
> Use ssh. You will have to setup remote key authentication from svrA to
> svrB (so that a password will not be needed), and then in your script
> you would call:
> system('ssh svrB /path/to/scriptToRun');
> --
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> Zend Certified Engineer
> --
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