Posted by Don Freeman on 11/10/08 11:24
"Chung Leong" <chernyshevsky@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>I don't like the direction PHP is going. It seems to focus has shifted
> from making a useful tool for building web sites to making a better
> language. The two goals are not mutually exclusive, of course, but nor
> do they completely overlap. As the cliche goes, people want
> solutions--not technology. PHP seems to be going down the path of ASP,
> where a simple useful tool become a hideous monster.
Agreed, the last thing I need is another language written by academics for
academics. When I discovered PHP, after struggling with Java for so long, I
was enamored with the joining of simplicity and functionality that PHP gave
me. If I want OOP I'll write a Java program, I don't need it in PHP also.
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