Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 08/22/05 16:09
Neredbojias wrote:
> I get the same results you do while Greg N's file works perfectly.
> Have Windows XP. Perhaps it's a security feature in XP version of IE
> but I have a bunch of m3u's on my site all working perfectly.
I think it is a IE user setting at play here. IE is NOT my default
browser, I only use it (V4.0-6.01) web development testing so when I
test your page out I think I was in the 'default-state' and when I click
the http://thefireandreason.irbl.net/audio/Scenic-3songs.m3u link I
received this dialog box.
You have clicked an audio or video link. Internet Explorer can play this
in its own window, so it will be easier for you to see or hear it while
still browsing the Web.
[x] Remember my preference
Remember my preference is checked by default so whatever you selectd you
probably would not be propmted again.
I think here: 'In Internet Explorer, click Media on the toolbar to open
the Media bar...' is where you control this behavior.
If I click 'No' to above dialog (Win2K EI6.01) WMP opens and start
buffering... Opera...(ditto)
In Moz1.7.10{default) QuicktimeAlternative starts playing almost
immediately in my browser window. (Same for all other Gecko browsers and
old NN4.6) I do not have nor want WinAmp so I cannot test that condition...
A TIP: '(streaming with WinAmp)' in your link text is best left off,
the choice of 'Player/Plugin' is not in your control.
Take care,
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