Posted by boots on 08/23/05 05:06
--- Vonleigh Simmons <nospam@illusionart.com> wrote: > > You will
find attached a file that I use on my web site. If the > > user
has > > defined a template dir, it will be automaticaly used else
the > default > > templates are used. > > Thank
you Vincent for attaching the file, I appreciate the help. >
> I'm not sure this solution is going to work for me (at least how
I > have it defined now). Reason is that the user might chose to
override > > the "header.tpl" file, but maybe not override
the "footer.tpl". So > smarty would error out saying that it
cannot find "footer.tpl" in the > > user's template dir, as
he hasn't provided one. > > I could always make it
mandatory that if you override one > template you must provide
all (maybe copy them verbatim to his > template folder). But this
seems a bit more of a hack, and I'd have > to build in a whole
template management function. > > I'd like it to work
more like $PATH does in the shell. Basically > > that it
first searches the user template dir, and if that isn't found >
> the template it's looking for it goes to the main one. Kinda
like / > usr/local/bin overrides /usr/bin by specifying it earlier
in the > path. I haven't been following entirely so
if someone already mentioned this, my bad. At anyrate, this is
essentially already possible, though unsupported. Simply assign
template_dir using an array of paths (ie: instead of a single string,
an array of strings) and Smarty will search each path in-order until it
finds a matching template or fails. This way you get the basic override
functionality you are describing. Again, AFAIK it is not officially
supported but I have been using it for quite some time now and for
exactly the reasons you give. best regards. > >
require_once( 'smarty_api.php' ); > > $smarty = new
Smarty_custom(); > > Yep, I have smarty subclassed like
that as per the manual.
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