Posted by Dylan Parry on 08/23/05 16:18
Using a pointed stick and pebbles, Luigi Donatello Asero scraped:
> Did you try to search the message at www.google.com ?
> http://groups.google.se/group/alt.html/browse_thread/thread/ccdd1dae8bd1526d/46180ba54ac55f61?lnk=st&q=Luigi++Donatello+Asero&rnum=1&hl=sv#46180ba54ac55f61
<toby type="inkster">Don't you mean
http://message-id.net/qFEOe.144838$dP1.500603@newsc.telia.net ?</toby> :)
Yes, it doesn't seem to look right on that page either.
> Do you use Unicode 8?
> Did you install the fonts for Chinese?
I'm assuming it must be this that is causing the problem for me,
although I am pretty sure that I have seen Chinese characters on this
machine before, but then that might have been *before* I formatted it a
couple of months back ;)
Dylan Parry
http://electricfreedom.org -- Where the Music Progressively Rocks!
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