Posted by Alvaro G Vicario on 08/24/05 14:57
*** Doug Johnston wrote/escribió (Wed, 24 Aug 2005 11:24:17 GMT):
> http://www.megamotza.com/cst_hsql.php?firstlogin=Y&abc=sysman&sql=select%20*%20from%20sysuser%20where%20companies%20LIKE'%0002%'%20AND%20usrflag%20='U'&tblname=curSysuser
> ...the problem is the LIKE '%0002%'. If I remove the %'s from each side
> of the value, no error.
Don't even solve it. If anyone can send custom queries to your database,
anyone can break your site. And they will.
Apart from that, there's only a small subset of chars that are valid in an
URL. You can get the appropriate conversion with rawurlencode(); decoding
is automatic.
-- Álvaro G. Vicario - Burgos, Spain
-- http://bits.demogracia.com - Mi sitio sobre programación web
-- Don't e-mail me your questions, post them to the group
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