Posted by Philip Ronan on 08/24/05 22:07
"Daniel Loose" wrote:
> Hello,
> I have this strange including problem:
> I want to read a piece of HTML, residing in some file, into a
> variable, not echo it out. So far so easy - but now the HTML contains
> a line of PHP. And I wish not to get the PHP code into my variable but
> the parsed result, just like if the variable was a client ;-). I wish
> to keep the nice ?> ...<? HTML area (with highlighting in my editor),
> and therefore include etc. don't help because they would echo it out.
> heredoc also doesnt help (if this may come up to your mind).
> Is there anything I can do...?!! The problem sounds so simple... the
> more for such a great tool like PHP ... but... ?!!
Easy: $html = file_get_contents('http://www.example.com/foo.bar');
Take a look here: <http://php.net/file_get_contents>
phil [dot] ronan @ virgin [dot] net
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