Posted by Daniel Loose on 08/24/05 22:32
Just discovered http://de.php.net/eval and on that url especially the
user contributed function eval_html3(). But can't get it to work.
I made a simple test page:
Perhaps you feel like helping to fix the function. (Or to tell me what
I have misunderstood.) I just renamed eval_html3 to eval_html and
replaced <?php by <?. It's now supposed to work but it doesnt. Here
the test files:
$s = eval_html(file_get_contents('.js.php', 0));
$t = eval_html(file_get_contents('.css.php', 0));
function eval_html($string) {
$string = '<? ?>'.$string.'<? ?>';
$string = str_replace( '?>', '', str_replace( array( '<?', '<?' ),
'', preg_replace_callback( "/\?>(.*?)(<\?|<\?)/", "my_eval", $string )
) );
return eval($string);
function my_eval($arr) {
return ('echo stripslashes("'.addslashes($arr[0]).'");');
..js.php and .css.php:
contain plain js/ css plus one line
<? $a = 6+7; echo ".testClass { font-size: ".$a."px; }\n\n"; ?>
or resp.
<? $a = 4+5; echo 'testVar = '.$a;; ?>
No errors when called directly.
test.php itself does nothing (blank screen), I only want to get away
the errors. You may also download this small test if you want to
figure it out on your own system (See Link)
Thanx a lot! , Daniel
PS Thx to the other poster, will check your idea out soon as possible.
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