Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/26/05 00:08
I_love_php wrote:
> hello i have this table
> (USERS )
> witch have
> game_id
> user_id
> points
> ---------
> in every game user can win points ... what i want is the best way to
> Get the position of the user
> lets say i want to get the position of the user number 24 ...(up to the
> points ) higher points in the Frist and the lowest points in the last
> Thanks in advance
You didn't say which database or version you're running, but if it supports
subselects something like this might work (warning - not tested):
SELECT count(user_id) FROM table WHERE points > (SELECT points FROM table
WHERE user_id = 24);
Then add 1 to get the user's position. Don't use >= because your user might be
tied with 20 other users - and you'll get an incorrect result.
If your database doesn't support subselects, just do this in two different
SELECT statements (get the points for user_id=24 and use it in the WHERE clause
of the first select).
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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