Posted by Colin McKinnon on 10/10/67 11:25
Mladen Gogala wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Aug 2005 17:27:53 -0700, changereality@gmail.com wrote:
>> What would you suggest?
> You can get a decent database from http://www.postgresql.org. It's kinda
> better suited for heavy OLTP processing then MySQL. Not as good as Oracle
> RDBMS, but definitely getting there.
No - he wanted it to go faster.
changereality@gmail.com wrote:
> $list = array();
> $buffer = fgets($handle, 20000);
> if (! preg_match("/^\s*?#/", $buffer) ){
Here's your first problem. Regexes are slow. My PERL RE's are a bit a bit
rusty - but that looks a bit suspect anyway. Try coding it without REs.
> $stmt = "INSERT INTO logs ( `hit_date` , `hit_time` , `s-sitename` ,
> `s-computername` , ".
> "`s-ip` , `cs-method` , `cs-uri-stem` , `cs-uri-query` ,
> `s-port` , `cs-username` , `c-ip` , ".
> "`cs-version` , `User-Agent` , `Cookie` , `Referer` ,
> `cs-host` , `sc-status` , `sc-substatus` , ".
> "`sc-win32-status` , `sc-bytes` , `cs-bytes` , `time_taken` )
> ".
Join the strings together - OK it doesn't help the readability - but you
will get some performance benefit. Actually it would be a lot better to
move the invariant parts outside the loop:
$stub="INSERT INTO logs....VALUES(";
while (!feof($handle)) {
$stmt=$stub . "'".$line[0]."', '".$line[1]."', '".$line[2]."',
You could try a more functional approach to generating the VALUES clause -
something like:
$stmt = $stub . "'" . implode("','",$line) . "')";
This could be more efficient:
> if( $linecnt >= 10000 ){
> $totalcnt += $linecnt;
> echo "[ ".$totalcnt." ( ". ( time() - $start_time) ." )
> ]\t";
> $linecnt = 0;
> }
if (!($linecnt % 10000)) {
echo "[ ".$linecnt." ( ". ( time() - $start_time) ." ) ]\t";
You should also get a boost by using INSERT DELAYED (assuming your DBMS and
table are compliant)
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