Posted by Volker Hetzer on 09/02/05 15:13
Domestos wrote:
>>Now, I can do oracle no problem but I'm pretty wet behind the ears about
>>everything else.
>>What books could you recommend to me so that I can learn:
> I'd use the web . cheaper and easier to find/search
I've come aacross to that too. I'm buying a book about good OO design
with php abd the syntax stuff I'm sure to pick up on the web.
>>- what all this apache stuff is about, the mod_*
> Apache is just your web server
After one student managed to get php and oracle running in
a nonreproducible way we are looking into zend core for oracle.
Our hope is that we can avoid lots of installation and update issues
and I won't have to bother with modes.
>>- session management
> php is good with this. yu can use session variables stored insuperglobals,
> cookies or flat files to store your session variables in
Ok. I've hade a look around. Looks doable.
>>- login through active directory
Our users log in onto their PC in the morning and I don't want them to have
to log in again. Or at least, not having to manage yet another password.
> I reference a book called PHP and MySQL Web Development for code examples.
Lots of Thanks!
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