Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/03/05 05:02
sifar wrote:
> The form is a simple html form on a local computer.......
> I just wanted to transfer text (initally when i was connected to
> internet) entered in textboxes or inputs selected, thru mail clients
> like MS Outlook or Outlook Express (using the mailto option), which was
> happening.
> The data does not go or appear. So, i want to use something else. I do
> understand i require PHP or Perl with a webserver.
> I want to find a way to send the data locally using local network to
> another PC (connected to this PC) which has an Excel application &
> enter data into Excel.
> How do i do that?
> Rgds,
> Eijaz
Hi, Eijaz,
OK, well, you get your web server and PHP set up on your local computer.
That will allow you to fill out the form and get the data into PHP.
Next question - if you weren't using PHP how would you get the data to
the other computer? Email? ftp? Networked Drive? Other?
You can do it the same way with PHP. But first you need to identify how
you would get it to the other system without PHP.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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