Posted by Steve Buehler on 09/30/40 11:09
At 11:07 AM 2/25/2005, you wrote:
>Steve Buehler wrote:
> > I have to write a little program that pulls information from a
> database,
> > formats it into csv format for importing into excel and ftps it to another
> > server. I have everything worked out except for the ftping. I have read
> > through http://us4.php.net/manual/en/ref.ftp.php and I know I can get the
> > data from the database, save it to a file and ftp it. Does anybody know
> > if
> > I can skip the step of saving it to a file and ftp/stream it directly to a
> > filename on another server?
>What you just described is pretty much the entire PURPOSE of
>Now that you know that, re-read that, and you'll realize just how easy
>this is gonna be. :-)
>PS You may find it easier to go ahead and use a local temporary file, just
>to use fputcsv() instead of rolling your own. Or not, as rolling your own
>CSV writer isn't exactly rocket science.
Maybe I missed it the second time through, but I still can't find anything
that makes that the "entire PURPOSE" of what you referred too. Like I
said, I might have missed it though, that one is for ftping a file. What I
was hoping for is to NOT have to create the file locally first before
uploading it. Right after sending this email, I was looking for something
else and found out that "fopen" is what I was looking for. I still have to
use the ref.ftp.php ftp functions to delete the file on the remote server
first though because fopen can not open an existing file on a remote
server, zero it out and then write to it and it can't just "delete" a
remote file.....that I know of. So I have to delete it first with the ftp
functions, then ftp it over from the variable into a remote file. At least
I don't have to create a temporary file on the local server first. That is
what I was really trying to avoid.
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