Posted by Markus Ernst on 09/07/05 14:27
Chung Leong wrote:
> I'm an advocate for keeping things simple and obvious. Unless there's
> a good reason to use inheritance, I generally avoid it. It's easier to
> think that a book is a book, than a book being an extension of some
> generalized, abstract object.
Yes, this is a very useful guideline one sometimes tends to forget. Anyway
in this case the generalized abstract object is useful for handling the
relations between different things - i.e. a text element can be assigned to
a page, or to an author (biography), or to a book (abstract). A page can be
assigned to a rubric, or to an author (extended biography, works list...),
or to a book (review, excerpt...). Therefore I decided to use one
centralized ID and relations handling.
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