Posted by Chris on 10/04/60 11:09
Two glaring typos were fixed
Chris wrote:
> Well I would suggest you find some PHP code That converts between
> HSB/HSL (Hue-Saturation-Brightness/Lightness). From there are are a
> multitude of fairly simple algorithms that will give you complementary
> colors. You can find these by searching on "Complimentary Colors",
> "Color Wheel", "Adjacent Colors" to name a few.
That converts between HSB/HSL (Hue-Saturation-Brightness/Lightness) *
and RGB*
> This has the added bonus that you can restrict the brightness of a
> color by the brightness itself, not arbirtrailly disallowing any of
> the 3 RGB values to be below a certain point.
> Here is a bit of code that would generate a random color, above a
> specified brightness, and also give you it's complimentary colors. It
> assumes a Hue value 0-359 , as opposed to some which are used on a
> 0-99 scale.
> <?php
> $iMinB = 62; // This represents a percentage
> $iH = rand(0,359); // Generate random Hue
> $fS = rand(3000,7000)/10000; // Generate Random Float between 0.3 and 0.7
> $fB = rand($iMinB*100,10000)/10000; // Generate Random Float between
> 0.62 and 1.0
> /* Now, the complimentary colors will have the same Saturation and
> Brightness, jsut different hue values, rotate 120 degrees apart */
> $iComp1H = ($iH+120)%360;
> $iComp2H = ($iComp1H+120)%360;
> echo ' Hue: ',$iH,"\n";
> echo 'Comp 1 Hue: ',$iComp1H,"\n";
> echo 'Comp 2 Hue: ',$iComp2H,"\n";
> echo 'Saturation: ',$fS,"\n";
> echo 'Brightness: ',$fB,"\n";
> ?>
> This is hastily put together, but it's the sort of thing that would
> definitely work, and, in my opinion, works best. You'll just need
> something to convert HSB to RGB, to get the color in a form GD
> understands.
> One alternative, with HSB, is to generate random RGB values, then just
> rotate them through (RGB = Primary color, GBR = Color 1, GRB = Color 2)
*without* HSB
> This generally produces pretty color patterns.
> Chris
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