Posted by Jordan Miller on 09/08/05 18:27
methinks you should convert the datetime to a unix timestamp with
strtotime(). then you can compare the difference between this
timestamp and a unix timestamp of "now" to find if you have logged in
within a min. of the previous time. Then, once you know what text to
display (e.g. "Less than a minute ago!"), you can format the original
datetime timestamp with the date() function to be however you like.
You may have to read the manuals for all three of these functions
several times. good luck!
actually, you may be able to do simple operators (e.g. <, >, or -)
with the datetime as is, without having to convert to a unix
timestamp. "NOW" in datetime format can be gotten with:
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
i'm not sure though. just try it!
On Sep 8, 2005, at 9:41 AM, Ryan A wrote:
> Hi,
> In one of our tables we have these fields:
> cust_no bigint(20),
> cust_name varchar(30),
> last_online datetime,
> and in that members profile, if someone visits it, on the top of
> the page we
> have this:
> // connect to db, query for record and display it below
> Last seen: <?php echo $last_online; ?>
> Any ideas on the simplest way to make it look like this:
> Last seen: Less than a minute ago!
> Last seen: 25 mins ago
> Last seen: 2 hours 11 mins ago
> Last seen: 1 (or 2 or 3) day/s ago
> else{ echo $last_seen; }
> I have seen this done on a few sites (Swedish sites actually, I can
> give you
> the URLs if you need them)
> I think it looks much better than:
> Last seen : 2005-09-07 20:59:01
> Thanks!
> Ryan
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