Posted by Raj Shekhar on 09/09/05 09:04
in infinite wisdom Vizion spoke thus On 09/09/2005 03:56 AM:
>>If you check the php.ini file that comes with the php source code, you
>>will find it to be heavily commented. If you get stuck on some ini
>>setting, you can always double check it with the php manual
> As I said in another postiing :
> Sure -- I did look at those - my feeling is that they are high on providing
> the facts but low on providing meaning, context and interpretation.
The core php.ini settings are explains here
http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php . If you want the settings
for a particular extension, (like mysql), you will find an explanation
for it in the php.net/ETENSION_NAME (like php.net/mysql)
Raj Shekhar
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