Posted by Bill Segraves on 09/13/05 23:24
<IWP506@gmail.com> wrote in message
> I don't understand.
It appears to be so. ;-)
> Somebody asked a question. I posted the first
> reply. Who else could I be responding to?
You were responding to thousands of readers of the Usenet newsgroup
comp.lang.php, with utter disregard for Usenet ettiquette. You have no right
to waste the time of all of these good people by disregarding the rules of
> Which part is confusing?
The part where you don't yet understand the customs of Usenet. We hope you
learn to conform before you are killfiled by many Usenet contributors who
could be valuable resources for you.
Also, you should not top-post, a.k.a. jeopardy post. Long-standing Usenet
custom is to intersperse your comments with the key points to which you are
responding, e.g.,
> Q1. skugfh
A1. sDKf
> Q2. ;lkhjaga
Finally, while you seem to have picked up on the suggestion that you use
your Google Groups setup to quote correctly, you missed the mark because you
top-posted, showing disrespect for everyone that reads your post.
Bill Segraves
<extraneous content snipped>
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