Posted by Al on 09/13/05 21:31
Murray @ PlanetThoughtful wrote:
>>I have to create registration forms all the time for people in the office
>>what I keep running into is that I need a way for when they edit a field
>>the drop-down list of choices is automatically set for the right now.
>>I have 100+ counties in one list, but I don't want to write 100+ if
>>for checking to see if the value of $county equals the value of the field
>>I am
>>drop down choice.
>>Anyone have some quick solutions?
>>I have radio buttons as well, but going to use a drop-down list for the
>>pages to make it all simple.
> Hi Robert,
> As a suggestion, why not put your counties in an array (are you taking them
> from a recordset? If so, same idea applies) and use foreach() to iterate
> through the array, building the select list. When $county equals the current
> value of the array, include " SELECTED" in the select HTML you are building.
> One if statement should handle the situation nicely.
> Much warmth,
> Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
> ---
> "Lost in thought..."
> http://www.planetthoughtful.org
Here is an example of what Murray suggested. $sort_options is an array [list]of counties in your case.
$report .=
"<div style=\"font-weight:bold; margin-top:2em\">Sort the index by:
<select name=\"sort_by\">\n";
$sort_by= foo;
foreach($sort_options as $option=> $label){
$sel=($option== $sort_by)? 'SELECTED' : '';
$report .= "<option value=\"$option\" $sel>$label</option>\n";
}//end foreach
$report .= "</select>\n";
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