Posted by Devraj Mukherjee on 03/02/05 10:15
Hi Will,
Automatic refresh can be achieved by the use of a META tag. The meta tag
looks like the following, where the 5 is the number of seconds, the
URL is obviously the page.
<meta http-equiv=REFRESH CONTENT="5; URL=http://www.url.com/">
To refresh all you do is send the META tag out as part of the output the
first time and dont do it the second time. So the first time you call
the page use a variable in request such as ?refresh=true and only output
the META tag if refresh in the $_REQUEST array is set to true.
Hope this helps
William Stokes wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to force one automatic refresh browser when user enters to a
> webpage? If so, how?
> Thanks
> -Will
Devraj Mukherjee (devraj@eternitytechnologies.com)
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