Posted by Patrick on 09/15/05 23:13
Hi All,
Not sure if this is possible or not. How can I have a global constant
as a part of my variable names. As an example, I want all the ZZZ to
equal "C10" in the snippet of code below.
Why do I want to do this you ask? We are going to have anywhere from 60
to 100 drifters in the ocean sending back gps data and a table of that
data will be on a webpage. I am going to have separate text files with
PHP in them for includes to build the table. I thought rather than
having to create each file and assign the unique variables throughout
the file for each unit I could just tell it once that it is unit C10
save the page and then change the global and save as the next unit name.
I hope I didn't present this query in a confusing manner. Any help or
ideas you can give me are greatly appreciated.
$ZZZdataFile = "/DATA2/BUOY/ZZZdata.dat";
if (!($fpZZZa = fopen($ZZZdataFile, "r")))
exit("Unable to open $ZZZdataFile.");
while (!feof($fpZZZa))
// Assign variables to optional arguments
$buffer = fscanf($fpZZZa, "%s %s %s %s %s %s",
$ZZZdate $ZZZtime, $ZZZlat, $ZZZlon);
fclose ($fpZZZa);
Patrick A. Smith Assistant System Administrator
Ocean Circulation Group – USF - College of Marine Science
http://ocg6.marine.usf.edu Phone: 727 553-3334
The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody
appreciates how difficult it was. - La Rochefoucauld
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