Posted by Rincewind on 09/17/05 13:17
On 16 Sep 2005 20:48:30 -0700, ishtar wrote:
> All I want to do is setup my web server at home to use blog software. I
> downloaded a freeware program from called simpleblog.
> All it says I need to do is install PHP which seems simple enough. I
> goto PHP's web site and install PHP but none of the file associations
> on my computer see PHP files as anything? The first step of using
> simpleblog is to simply double-click on index.php but even if I
> associate PHP's executable to the PHP extension it simply pops up a
> quick DOS window and then disappears and nothing happens.
> I would have simply thought if I installed PHP on my PC I could run PHP
> files. Admittedly I am a newbie at this so any help is appreciated.
> Thanks.
<Quote> For the first and most common form, you need three things: PHP
itself, a web server and a web browser</Quote> Notice which one of the
three things your missing?
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