Posted by "pobox@verysmall.org" on 09/20/05 18:19
Is a page build by Smarty containing frames considered one php/Smarty
process (if I can call it so)?
It is like this -
index.tpl evaluates variable $_GET['f'] and if false, loads
frameset.tpl. frameset.tpl contains two or three frames (the number is
not important) - each frame calls _again_ index.tpl passing this time
$_GET['f'] set to true. this makes index.tpl not to load frameset.tpl,
but to load the individual pages.
What I noticed is that variables (both Smarty and php $GLOBALS) set by
plug-in in the first load of index.tpl (before the frameset) do not
survive into the second call of index.tpl (after the frameset).
So, the question again - are the pages loaded by the frameset different
php/Smarty processes (as it seems) from the php/Smarty process that
loaded the frameset - even if it _seems_ that it is one?
I think the answer is obvious, just wanted to make sure.
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