Posted by Jochem Maas on 03/03/05 17:26
Gavin Roy wrote:
> Stolen from a oo reference site (who's URL I no longer have handy):
> "An object interface--or simply interface--defines methods that can be
> implemented by a class. Interfaces are declared like classes, but
> cannot be directly instantiated and do not have their own method
> definitions. Rather, it is the responsibility of any class that
> supports an interface to provide implementations for the interface's
> methods. A variable of an interface type can reference an object whose
> class implements that interface; however, only methods declared in the
> interface can be called using such a variable."
> That goes with my understanding as interfaces being one more level of
> abstraction from abstract classes. That is they define the rules for
> the classes that implement them, but not any code (where an abstract
> class can implement code). I guess my understanding of an interface
> is wrong?
no not really - only the PHP devs have a particular view of what an interface
should be / how it should be used. other groups have different views.
personally I don't _think_ you are using a 'good' paradigm for you class heirachy -
but its impossible to tell for sure - I'd have to see much more code :-)
btw: if you drop the 'static' from the interface definition and from the class definitions
(of the interface) you can still use/call the methods statically...
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