Posted by Lendy Chen on 09/28/05 10:05
if (screen.width<1064)
document.write("<link src=\"style1.css\" type=\"text/css\"
document.write("<link src=\"style2.css\" type=\"text/css\"
or use cookie, js write screen.width to cookie,then php read
screen.width from cookie.
2005/9/28, Oliver Grätz <oliver.graetz@arcor.de>:
> Ross schrieb:
> > $width = " <script> document.write(screen.width); </script>";
> > //$ross= intval($width);
> Yes, this is and will always be zero, because you are evaluating a
> string to an integer value.
> > echo $width;
> > if ($width < 1064) {
> > echo "lower";
> > $style= "style1.css";
> >
> > }
> > else {
> > $style= "style2.css";
> >
> > }
> OK, no I could insert the stuff about server side and client side.
> What you want to do is learn about the user's screen width. First of
> all, this is a bad idea if I you want to use it for design purposes like
> in this case where you include different CSS files. If I have a
> 1600x1200 screen, I can easily open a browser window at 640x480. And
> now? And even if you don't evaluate the screen width but the browser
> window's width: What about me resizing the already rendered page? Think
> about better designing the page so you don't need to switch the CSS...
> OK, enough of evangelism. If you really want to do what you told there:
> Evaluate the JavaScript on your entry page. Then do a redirect to that
> same page and insert the value into the URL (e.g.
> index.php?scrwidth=1280). You can then access this from PHP via $_GET.
> It is a good idea to store this value in the session once received so
> you don't have to send it around on each link.
> AllOLLi
> ____________
> 63,000 bugs in the code, 63,000 bugs,
> ya get 1 whacked with a service pack,
> now there's 63,005 bugs in the code!!
> --
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Lendy Chen
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